Life Goes On!

I have been under a lot of pressure recently, and hell, im glad i decided to write something here. My senior and couples of friends they wanted me to get involved in orientation program. Yeah well, i wanted to, but mom wouldnt let me ride a motorcyle for a one hour trip to Depok. And they tought i was lying, because, what kind of college student would ask permission for a 3 day trip to their freakin parents? Damn, these guys didnt have the slightest idea about my parents!  Baca lebih lanjut

The Corrs

The Corrs

Good afternoon folks, its so freakin hot today ( its 29degrees in Tangerang fyi ). First, sorry for any grammatical error, wrong spelling, etc. Im trying to improve my english writing skill, and this is my first attempt to post something in english, pls be gentle :). Well, this post pretty much related to my previous post ( make sure you guys check it here ). So when i was a kid, i lived in Bekasi. We had this silver, rusty, Toshiba DVD player in my mom’s room. And one day my dad brought home a concert dvd, its title is The Corrs : Live in London Baca lebih lanjut

The Music I Listen To When I Was a Child…

Lagi pingin ngomongin tentang masa kecil gw.. Kenapa? Karena gw kangen aja jadi bocah. Sekarang gw udah kuliah, abis lulus langsung kerja, married, punya keluarga, bla bla bla. Bye masa kecil gw.. Entah kenapa gw merasa tua hahhahah. Sekarang gw emang lagi suka banget sama musik Rap. Baca lebih lanjut